Request u'll to help me reslove this issues as we are stuck up with this issue and it is a critical task in our project now. The application doesnot throw any exception during the build or deploy but when we run the application i am getting the following error.ĮRROR:: -ĬlassLoader name: Parent loader name: References: common:service:http service:servlet_jsp service:ejb common:service:iiop service:naming service:p4 service:ts service:jmsconnector library:jsse library:servlet common:library:IAIKSecurity library:activation library:mail library:tcsec ssl library:ejb20 library:j2eeca library:jms library:opensql common:library.sda library.sda library:security.class library:webservices_lib service:adminadapter service:basicadmin service.ume.service service:configuration service:connector service:dbpool service:deploy service:jmx service:jmx_notification service:keystore service:security service:userstore interface:resourcecontext_api interface:webservices interface:cross interface:ejbserialization sap.com/tcwd dispwda sap.com/tcwd corecomp service:webdynpro service:webservices service:tcsec wssecservice service:sld library.xml library:jnet library.framework library:tc cmi library.misc library.rb library:tcgraphics igs library.jarm library:tcddic ddicruntime library.jco library:core_lib library.cimclient library:sapxmltoolkit library:tcddic ddicservices Resources: /usr/sap/EPD/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/apps/axis/portal_devdc_cusrep7309_1012/webdynpro/public/lib/app.jar Loading model: - We have made some improvements to the way all of us engage within SAP Community, namely how we share information, how we treat each other, and how we can continue to learn.

NumberCell numberCell new Number(labelCell.getColumn(), labelCell.getRow(), Double.parseDouble(labelCell. Si tienes un labelCell, puedes probar el siguiente fragmento para crear un NumberCell.
#Java jxl new label throwing error code#
Adds a cell to this sheet The RowsExceededException may be caught if client code wishes to explicitl. ❾s posible convertir jxl LabelCell a jxl NumberCell de alguna manera Respuestas 1 para la respuesta 1. WriteException, Exception thrown when using the API to generate an Excel file. Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status. Label, A cell containing text which may be created by user applications. Therefore we are using the jxl.jar to support the same.I have added these jars by creating a new DC and then creating the Public parts of the same. setRowView ( 8, true ) jxl.write WritableSheet setRowView. Label //package/ / Create a WritableCell (DateTime or Label for the given value param aColumnNumber the column number param aRowNumber the row number param aValue the value return the format excel cell / private static WritableCell toWritableCell(int. Move attached jxl.jar to C:Program FilesMirth Connectcustom-lib. Then the program gives that irritating 'Unforunately, FinanceApp has stopped. My app compiles fine and runs fine, until I try to instantiate a Label object. In the applications we have functionality of downloading to a Excel sheet. For those interested it is possible via the JExcel Api to use an Excel file as a data source in Mirth. I downloaded and compiled the JExcelAPI, and pulled the jxl.jar file into my 'libs' folder. M圜lass Eclipse: Right click on your Project, Select Java Build Path, open Libraries tab, Add External JARs., select jxl.jar.

M圜lass Unix: javac -classpath jxl.jar M圜lass.java java -classpath jxl.jar. The NWDS version we are using is NWDS 7.0.14 How do I use JXL Assuming your class is named M圜lass with no package: Windows: javac -classpath jxl.jar M圜lass.java java -classpath jxl.jar. Right click on project -> goto properties -> select. Currently I have developed a webapplication in a DC. ErrorCell errorCell (ErrorCell) cell cellValue errorCell.getErrorCode() Collection is the root of the collection hierarchy. Create a new export excel sheet operation page excelExport.jsp. When jxl jar downloading will get complete, add the jar to project class path by following these steps.